
Course Schedule

This schedule is still tentative, and is likely to change. See the calendar to see the scheduling of our weekly events (lecture, lab, office hours, etc).

Links will be updated as we progress through the semester.

Note: Course material, including all video and assigned content (e.g. labs, homework, and other shared materials), is copyrighted and reposting to third party sites or any other form of redistribution is prohibited.

Questions during lectures will be compiled onto a separate document for all students to access:

Link to PH 142 Lecture Questions

Week 3

Sep 6

No Class: Labor Day

Sep 8

Lecture 6 Introduction to Regression (Recording)

Ch. 4

Lab 3 Relationship Between Global Cesarean Delivery Rates and GDP (Recording) (Chat Log) (Due Sep. 10)

Sep 10

Lecture 7 Two-way Tables (Recording)

Ch. 5

Quiz 2 On Gradescope (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Problem Set 3 On Datahub (Solutions)

Week 5

Sep 20

Exam Midterm 1

Sep 22

Lecture 11 Introduction to Probability (Recording)

Ch. 9

Lab 4 Probability Calculations (Recording) (Chat Log) (Due Sep. 24)

Sep 24

Lecture 12 General Rules of Probability (Recording)

Ch. 10

Problem Set 4 on Datahub (Solutions)

Week 6

Sep 27

Lecture 13 General Rules of Probability Cont. (Recording)

Ch. 10

Sep 29

Lecture 14 The Normal Distribution I (Recording)

Ch. 11

Lab 5 Sensitivity, Specificity, and the Normal Distribution (Recording) (Chat Log) (Due Oct. 1)

Oct 1

Lecture 15 The Normal Distribution II (Recording)

Ch. 12

Quiz 4 On Gradescope (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Problem Set 5 On Datahub (Solutions)

Week 8

Oct 11

Lecture 19 Confidence Intervals for Mean with Known SD (Recording)

Ch. 14

Oct 13

Lecture 20 Hypothesis Tests for Mean with Known SD (Recording)

Ch. 15

Lab 7 Simulations on the CLT and Confidence Intervals (Recording) (Chat Log) (Due Oct. 15)

Oct 15

Lecture 21 Type I and Type II Errors, and Sample Size I (Recording)

Ch. 15

Quiz 6 on Gradescope (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Data Project Data Skills Demonstration Part I (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Week 10

Oct 25

Lecture 24 Comparing Two Means (Recording)

Ch. 18

Oct 27

Lecture 25 Matched Comparisons (Recording)

Ch. 17

Lab 8 Paired and Two-Sample T-Tests (Recording) (Due Oct. 29)

Oct 29

Lecture 26 Inference for a Population Proportion (Recording)

Ch. 19

Quiz 7 On Gradescope (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Problem Set 7 on Gradescope (Solutions)

Week 11

Nov 1

Lecture 27 Comparing Two Proportions (Recording)

Ch. 20

Nov 3

Lecture 28 Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals (Recording)

Lab 9 Inference for Proportions (Recording) (Chat Log) (Due Nov. 5)

Nov 5

Lecture 29 The Chi-square Test for Goodness of Fit (Recording)

Ch. 21

Quiz 8 on Gradescope (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Problem Set 8 on Datahub (Solutions)

Week 12

Nov 8

Lecture 30 The Chi-square Test for Two-way Tables (Recording)

Ch. 22

Nov 10

Lecture 31 Permutation Tests (Recording*)

*Zoom recording for lecture was corrupted, so recording is linked to Fa20

Lab 10 Chi-square Test (Recording) (Chat Log) (Due Nov. 12)

Nov 12

Lecture 32 Inference for Regression I (Recording)

Ch. 23

Problem Set 9 on Datahub (Solutions)

Data Project Data Skills Demonstration Part II (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Week 13

Nov 15

Lecture 33 Inference for Regression II (Recording)

Ch. 23

Nov 17

Lecture 34 Comparison of Many Means (ANOVA) (Recording)

Ch. 24

Lab 11 Regression Modeling & Checking Modeling Assumptions (Recording) (Chat Log) (Due Nov. 19)

Nov 19

Lecture 35 ANOVA II / Tukey’s HSD (Recording)

Ch. 24

Quiz 9 On Gradescope (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Problem Set 10 On Datahub (Solutions)

Week 14

Nov 22

Lecture 36 Regression Modeling with a Categorical Exposure (Recording)

Nov 24

No Class: Thanksgiving Break

Nov 26

No Class: Thanksgiving Break

Week 15

Nov 29

Lecture 37 Non-parametric Testing Alternatives (Recording from Fa20)

Dec 1

Lecture 38 Final Exam Review (Note Format) (Solutions) (Recording)

Lab Final Exam Review Session (Recording) (Chat Log)

Dec 3

Lecture 39 Kahoot with Tyler! (Recording)

Data Project Data Skills Demonstration Part III (Due 5:00 PM PST)

Week 16 (Reading, Review, and Recitation Week)

Dec 6

No Lecture

Dec 8

No Lecture

No Lab

Dec 10

No Lecture

No Problem Set

Week 17 (Finals Week)

Dec 13

Exam Final Exam