00:10:50 Nikki Marucut: Tired! 00:10:52 Silvana Larrea: Hi Kelsey! Good :) 00:10:52 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: blessed 00:10:52 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): not bad!! 00:10:53 Taylor Yoo: doing well :) 00:10:54 Christopher Patterson: Good ! how are you :) 00:10:54 Phoenix Ding: busy 00:10:57 Yulan Xie: Pretty good~ 00:10:58 Annalisa Watson (she/her): Ready for the weekend 00:11:00 Nikki Marucut: I’ve had 3 midterms already LOL 00:11:08 Julia Hankin: 3?! Oh my gosh! 00:11:10 Nikki Marucut: yes 00:11:11 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: my sis is pregooo 00:11:13 Nikki Marucut: My brain hurts 00:11:14 Nikki Marucut: LOL 00:11:15 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): :(((( yikes 00:11:21 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): congrats ekua! 00:11:25 Nikki Marucut: Congrats to your sister!! 00:11:25 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: found out two weeks ago! 00:11:32 Nikki Marucut: Do you live near her? 00:11:33 Yulan Xie: Congrats to your sister!! 00:11:39 Chitra Nambiar: congrats Ekua! 00:11:54 Yulan Xie: Not bad 00:12:01 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): not bad but time crunch 00:12:04 Nikki Marucut: I wish we had 10 more minutes 00:12:07 Olufunke Fasawe: Time was short 00:12:09 Yulan Xie: ^^ 00:12:09 Rachel Harvill: ^ same 00:12:13 Nikki Marucut: I didn’t get to finish 2 or 3 problems 00:12:18 Stacy (Seohyun) Ahn: It was v diff than practice test 🥲 00:12:26 Nikki Marucut: And if I had 10 minutes it would have helped 00:12:27 Kelsey MacCuish: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1eOrm0YGuOhi71E-kBR9EBeTO1_z9cKhWsdcN1FWQ9oAqjQ/viewform 00:13:23 Nikki Marucut: It’s just hard when you take an exam at 7:40 am and it’s an exam 00:13:36 Christopher Patterson: Is it too late to join a group for the project? I missed the deadline for the group survey. Also, is the project still reasonable to do alone ? 00:13:46 Nikki Marucut: I felt I needed more time to acclimate to what I was doing if that makes sense? 00:14:17 Nikki Marucut: Yes I definitely understand the time issue 00:14:39 Aliza Adler: Kelsey, I’m just curious, has the midterm always been 75 minutes long? Or before COVID times and Zoom school was it 50 minutes? 00:14:48 Christopher Patterson: OKay, thanks! 00:16:32 Ijeoma Uche: Lab 00:16:33 Alexis O'Connor: id rather do the lab 00:16:33 Jessica Fields (she/her/hers): I’d be interested in maybe starting with the lab and then if time at the end we could go back to the quiz? 00:16:33 Ala Koreitem: Can we go onto the lab? 00:16:34 Yulan Xie: Lab plz~ 00:16:34 Mariah Jiles (she/her): I’d prefer to go through the lab 00:16:34 Phoenix Ding: I want to directly go to lab 00:16:34 Aliza Adler: I’d vote for lab please! 00:16:36 Genesis Navarrete: lab 00:16:36 Lemlem Gebre: Lab 00:16:38 Chitra Nambiar: lab 00:16:38 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): lab! 00:16:38 Leslie Giglio: Could we work through lab, then quiz if time 00:16:42 Taylor Zehren: My vote is to do the lab and if there’s time go into quiz questions after that 00:16:45 Nikki Marucut: Echo lab 00:16:45 Olufunke Fasawe: Lab 00:20:06 Mariah Jiles (she/her): it will always occur 00:20:09 Christopher Patterson: This even will always occur ! 00:20:09 Lupita Ambriz: always 00:20:10 Yulan Xie: Always occurs 00:20:13 Phoenix Ding: This event will almost always occur 00:21:02 Mariah Jiles (she/her): it is unlikely 00:21:07 Ijeoma Uche: This event is unlikely. 00:21:09 Leslie Giglio: Unlikely 00:21:10 Phoenix Ding: unlikely 00:21:13 Nikki Marucut: Very rarely occur 00:21:13 Christopher Patterson: very unlikely 00:21:14 Yulan Xie: This event will very rarely occur 00:21:14 Aliza Adler: It will very rarely occur 00:21:38 Nikki Marucut: I would say .3 is unlikely 00:21:48 Nikki Marucut: It gives the chance for some likelihood 00:21:55 Silvana Larrea: This event will occur more often than not 00:21:57 Phoenix Ding: Occur more often than not 00:22:00 Yulan Xie: Happens often than not 00:22:21 Yulan Xie: Almost always occurs 00:22:59 Nikki Marucut: This is a very pretty graph 00:24:00 Nikki Marucut: Yes! 00:24:02 Christopher Patterson: clear! 00:24:03 Nikki Marucut: Very clear 00:24:03 Yulan Xie: yes 00:24:29 Olufunke Fasawe: Are we still on Q1? 00:24:56 Annalisa Watson (she/her): Q2! Describing the graph 00:25:13 Nikki Marucut: You have to run the code to load the graph 00:25:15 Nikki Marucut: FYI 00:26:11 Ijeoma Uche: Almost certain? 00:26:47 Nikki Marucut: They’re wider for responses like “we doubt”; and 00:26:49 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): they others have larger ranges 00:26:52 Nikki Marucut: There’s actually 3 humps 00:26:54 Olufunke Fasawe: Thanks Nikki 00:27:39 Nikki Marucut: You’re welcome Olufunke :) 00:30:11 Taylor Yoo: heads or tails 00:32:28 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): two heads or two tails? 00:32:40 Phoenix Ding: Combined outcome of two coins 00:33:33 Annalisa Watson (she/her): 1 head and 1 tails 00:34:00 Annalisa Watson (she/her): You flipped 1 coin twice 00:34:30 Julia Hankin: Can you review size one more time? 00:34:32 Julia Hankin: Sorry! 00:35:03 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): flipping 1 coin 100 times 00:35:14 Annalisa Watson (she/her): Size = # of coins 00:36:13 Julia Hankin: Ah got it, thank you!! 00:36:52 Olufunke Fasawe: 50 00:36:52 Ijeoma Uche: 50 00:36:52 Rachel Harvill: 50 00:36:52 Taylor Zehren: 50 00:36:53 Ala Koreitem: 50 00:36:53 Julia Hankin: 50 00:37:12 Silvana Larrea: 53 00:37:12 Ijeoma Uche: 53 00:37:15 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: 57 00:37:15 Aliza Adler: 51 00:37:15 Olufunke Fasawe: 59 00:37:16 Taylor Zehren: 45 00:37:17 Alexis O'Connor: 52 00:37:18 Joyce Qiao: 49 00:37:18 Nikki Marucut: 40 00:39:29 Rachel Harvill: sum(one_hundred_flips_2) 00:39:46 Phoenix Ding: different 00:39:47 Chitra Nambiar: 49, 50 00:39:49 Silvana Larrea: It was different 00:39:54 Alexis O'Connor: 52,51 00:42:00 Phoenix Ding: 100 00:42:01 Rachel Harvill: 100 1s 00:42:02 Julia Hankin: 100 1s 00:42:03 Annalisa Watson (she/her): 100 1s 00:42:06 Ijeoma Uche: 100 1s 00:42:24 Ijeoma Uche: 100 0s 00:42:24 Julia Hankin: 100 0s 00:42:25 Phoenix Ding: 100 0s 00:42:25 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): 100 0s 00:42:26 Annalisa Watson (she/her): 100 0s 00:42:26 Nikki Marucut: 100 zeros 00:42:44 Ala Koreitem: 60 1s 00:42:44 Nikki Marucut: 60 1’s 00:42:45 Phoenix Ding: Around 60 1s 00:42:46 Silvana Larrea: 60 1´s 00:42:46 Maddy Griffith: 60 1s, 40 0s 00:43:15 Silvana Larrea: 1 is the outcome we want to look at? 00:43:18 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): it’s the probability of the event occurring which is 1 00:43:44 Maddy Griffith: 3 1s, 97 0s 00:43:46 Silvana Larrea: 3 1´s 00:44:37 Olufunke Fasawe: Flu 00:44:42 Olufunke Fasawe: Flu is common 00:44:44 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: heart disease 00:44:45 Nikki Marucut: Scarlet fever 00:45:12 Nikki Marucut: Scarlet fever have 20,000 cases a year in the US I believe 00:45:17 Olufunke Fasawe: ~50% 00:45:23 Stacy (Seohyun) Ahn: probabity of people who actually get flu shots 00:45:39 Stacy (Seohyun) Ahn: is around 50% in America! 00:45:47 Nikki Marucut: yes 00:46:07 Chitra Nambiar: allergic reaction to Tylenol 00:46:10 Phoenix Ding: Some genetic disease 00:49:48 Mariah Jiles (she/her): what is meant by sample space? 00:53:41 Phoenix Ding: {0+, 0-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-} 00:53:42 Rachel Harvill: S = {O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-} 00:53:48 Silvana Larrea: S(0+, 0-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-) 00:54:21 Julia Hankin: Does the order of the possible outcomes matter? 00:56:42 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: aren't the values we input provided above? 00:56:51 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): I divided the percentage by 100 00:56:51 Silvana Larrea: Since the probability is a number between 0 and 1 I divided the percentages given above for each blood type / 100 00:57:58 Ijeoma Uche: P(Blood type = A+)= .27 00:58:00 Phoenix Ding: 0.27 00:58:14 Annalisa Watson (she/her): Is the notation a percentage or decimal 00:58:24 Silvana Larrea: Kelsey is it okay to right that notation as P(A+)? 00:58:26 Phoenix Ding: 0.73 00:58:27 Rachel Harvill: 1-0.27 00:58:42 Ijeoma Uche: What’s the notation for not equal to 00:59:23 Silvana Larrea: Ijeoma I think its P(A´) or P(Ac) 01:00:33 Ijeoma Uche: 1-.27 01:01:45 Annalisa Watson (she/her): You could add up all the other blood types not including A+ 01:01:47 Silvana Larrea: Sum up all probabilities except the P(A+= 01:02:34 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: can u please explain the second way again? 01:02:52 Nikki Marucut: ^ yes 01:03:59 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: makes sense! 01:04:01 Nikki Marucut: YES 01:05:06 Ijeoma Uche: .40? 01:06:57 Lupita Ambriz: P(.39+.01)= .40 01:09:32 Nikki Marucut: Can you Go over the dependent bit agaibn 01:09:35 Nikki Marucut: again* 01:10:08 Nikki Marucut: …??? 01:11:23 Nikki Marucut: ahhhhhh 01:11:25 Nikki Marucut: okay 01:11:26 Nikki Marucut: Thank you! 01:12:40 Olufunke Fasawe: If two events are independent, the probably of either event occurring is the sum of the individual probabilities for each one 01:13:34 Olufunke Fasawe: OK 01:14:25 Olufunke Fasawe: S= {Rh+, Rh-} 01:15:35 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: ^^ 01:15:38 Ala Koreitem: ^ 01:16:05 Ijeoma Uche: .50/.50 01:16:09 Rachel Harvill: same 01:16:25 Maddy Griffith: .98/0.02 01:16:26 Taylor Zehren: 0.98, 0.02 01:16:30 Taylor Yoo: 0.98/0.02 01:16:32 Alexis O'Connor: 0.98/0.02 01:16:33 Phoenix Ding: 0.98/0.02 01:16:46 Annalisa Watson (she/her): I thought it was adding the probabilities of negatives and positives from the previous blood types 01:16:49 Rachel Harvill: Oh it’s for Asian American missed that 01:17:14 Ijeoma Uche: ^ 01:17:37 Nikki Marucut: I did too! 01:19:26 Nikki Marucut: Yes! 01:21:28 Phoenix Ding: yes 01:21:33 Lupita Ambriz: yes 01:21:35 Taylor Yoo: yes :) 01:25:00 Rachel Harvill: What’s a practical use of the runif function? 01:26:03 Nikki Marucut: So if we look at the graph you just made what does the 1 on the x axis equate to when using the runif code? 01:29:04 Rachel Harvill: That’s helpful thank you 01:31:36 Nikki Marucut: YES 01:31:41 Nikki Marucut: Thank you for taking the time to explain that 01:34:14 Olufunke Fasawe: Is it the area 01:34:17 Rachel Harvill: Area of the square 1 * 0.4 01:34:17 Olufunke Fasawe: 0.4*1 01:36:14 Olufunke Fasawe: How do you write the P as a code please? 01:36:29 Olufunke Fasawe: We use the <- sign? 01:38:31 Mariah Jiles (she/her): runif(n=1, min = 0, max= .4) 01:39:53 Mariah Jiles (she/her): that makes sense 🙌🏾 01:40:15 Nikki Marucut: P15 <- .4 01:40:28 Phoenix Ding: area 01:40:31 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: all values underneath .4? 01:40:56 Phoenix Ding: No?? 01:41:53 Julia Hankin: I’m a bit confused why it’s not different from the problem before, tbh! Since we don’t want to include 0.4 in the area 01:41:55 Silvana Larrea: Maybe because in a continuous variable it would include like 0.3999999 or something? 01:44:27 Taylor Zehren: 0 01:45:24 Phoenix Ding: 0.4 01:45:25 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: 0.4 01:45:30 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: 0 01:45:31 Phoenix Ding: 0 01:45:58 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: still sinking in 01:46:12 Nikki Marucut: Kind of! I think I need to let it marinate and come back to it 01:46:43 Phoenix Ding: 0 01:47:19 Phoenix Ding: 0.2 01:47:21 Phoenix Ding: 0.5-0.3 01:47:22 Taylor Zehren: 0.2 01:47:59 Olufunke Fasawe: What is the answer to P15? 01:48:08 Nikki Marucut: .4 01:48:26 Nikki Marucut: 0.4 01:50:06 Olufunke Fasawe: Thank you 01:50:12 Nikki Marucut: You’re welcome! 01:51:28 Nikki Marucut: It’s good! 01:51:29 Ala Koreitem: Yes! 01:51:30 Nikki Marucut: yes 01:51:37 Nikki Marucut: p17 <- 0.3 + 0.5 01:52:14 Nikki Marucut: I did it because it includes everything below .3 and everything above .5 01:52:19 Nikki Marucut: And I just ended up adding them 01:53:32 Nikki Marucut: Yes! 01:53:48 Nikki Marucut: You’re doing great! I’m ready to keep moving 01:55:20 Ijeoma Uche: Just to check what did yay get for p19? 01:55:28 Ijeoma Uche: you* 01:57:12 Lillian Man (she/her): can you go over why p19 is 0? 01:57:44 Phoenix Ding: punif(0.4, min = 0, max = 1) 01:59:20 Phoenix Ding: punif(0.5, min = 0, max = 1)-punif(0.3, min = 0, max = 1) 02:01:06 Nikki Marucut: p23 <- punif(0.5, min = 0, max = 1)+punif(0.3, min = 0, max = 1) 02:01:33 Annalisa Watson (she/her): p23 <- punif(0.3, min = 0, max = 1) + punif(0.5, min = 0, max = 1, lower.tail = F) 02:01:35 Joyce Qiao: punif(0.3, min = 0, max = 1) + punif(0.5, min = 0, max = 1, lower.tail = F) 02:01:58 Nikki Marucut: min 02:02:02 Nikki Marucut: ahhh 02:02:03 Nikki Marucut: okay 02:05:56 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): yes 02:05:58 Taylor Yoo: yes :) 02:05:58 Julia Hankin: yes!