00:06:57 Olufunke Fasawe: Will there be labs next week too? 00:07:02 Olufunke Fasawe: And revision for exams? 00:09:55 Maddy Griffith: ANOVA, Tukey’s HSD 00:10:04 Annalisa Watson (she/her): ^+1 00:10:35 Annalisa Watson (she/her): Based on the slide deck I think permutation test through the end I’m less comfortable with since we haven’t been tested on it thru quizzes and we haven’t had lab problems for it 00:10:43 Annalisa Watson (she/her): (I think) 00:10:58 Aliza Adler: For me a sort of high-level overview of when to use each hypothesis test would be helpful 00:11:22 Hallie Roth (she/her): Can we go over ANOVA f-statistic 00:12:00 Chitra Nambiar: are these slides shared? 00:12:14 Allie Smith (she/her): could we talk about permutation tests vs. bootstrapping - I'm confused about when to use each/how they are different 00:12:18 Ijeoma Uche: Will there be office hours/review sessions next week? 00:16:34 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: Are you supposed to use Anova and Tukey's hand in hand? 00:17:39 Aliza Adler: Do you mind just quickly restating what exactly Tukey’s HSD is for again? 00:26:17 Rachel Harvill: Can we review how to interpret TukeyHSD output in R 00:27:24 Maddy Griffith: I think it was lesion size or something 00:30:52 Rachel Harvill: Yes! 00:34:40 Allie Smith (she/her): should we know how to do this by hand, or is just in R okay? 00:34:52 Allie Smith (she/her): phew 00:37:11 Silvana Larrea: Chi-square test 00:37:41 Chitra Nambiar: regression 00:38:45 Annalisa Watson (she/her): Z test ? 00:38:45 Silvana Larrea: Z-test 00:38:54 Rachel Harvill: T test 00:38:55 Annalisa Watson (she/her): T test 00:39:31 Rachel Harvill: Two sample t test 00:39:57 Silvana Larrea: Paires t test 00:39:57 Annalisa Watson (she/her): Matched t test 00:39:58 Maddy Griffith: Paired t test 00:39:59 Silvana Larrea: paired* 00:41:55 Ekua-Yaaba Monkah: this is helpful 00:41:58 Hallie Roth (she/her): I like this! 00:42:05 Aliza Adler: It’s helpful for me! 00:42:06 Rachel Harvill: Helpful to think about it in a different way 00:44:56 Hallie Roth (she/her): sign rank? 00:44:57 Silvana Larrea: Wilcoxon sign-rank 00:46:11 Rachel Harvill: ANOVA 00:46:13 Silvana Larrea: ANOVA 00:46:33 Allie Smith (she/her): when we say parametric, does that mean the data are normal and from an SRS? 00:46:37 Maddy Griffith: Kruskal wallis 00:46:39 Rachel Harvill: Kruskal wallis 00:48:40 Maddy Griffith: Wilcoxon rank sum 00:48:41 Annalisa Watson (she/her): Permutation 00:52:36 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): for the one sample tests are the differences in t and z tests dependent on whether we have parameters or statistics? 00:54:18 Hallie Roth (she/her): Is population proportion going to still be a z-test? 00:54:20 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): got it thanks! 00:57:45 Julia Hankin: Sorry if I missed this, but have we gone over permutation tests? 01:06:52 Julia Hankin: General review would be great! 01:08:07 Allie Smith (she/her): Can you touch on when you would use just boostrapping vs doing a permutation for hypothesis test? 01:09:37 Shannon Mohler: We can only do a permutation test for continuous data correct? 01:10:54 Shannon Mohler: got it thank you! 01:13:12 Shannon Mohler: Yes! 01:14:34 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): could we go over these graphics? 01:18:29 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): yes! 01:21:39 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): yes! 01:22:21 Hallie Roth (she/her): Can we go through the ranking process in non-parametric tests? especially if there are two or more values that are the same 01:33:54 Leslie Giglio: Would the rankings for the two 5’s be 6.5? 01:37:55 Maddy Griffith: I vote different topic 01:38:24 Hallie Roth (she/her): Inference for regression? 01:38:27 Hallie Roth (she/her): Idk lol 01:38:36 Hiruni Jayasekera (she/her): yes 01:38:38 Allie Smith (she/her): sure! 01:46:18 Allie Smith (she/her): % dem? 01:48:57 Maddy Griffith: 2nd one 01:48:58 Allie Smith (she/her): I think it is the 7.1 ^e 01:50:33 Allie Smith (she/her): There is evidence to reject the null hypothesis that they are independent? 01:51:59 Maddy Griffith: 2.88 01:53:17 Allie Smith (she/her): for a 1 unit increase in log of population density we expect a 2.88 increase in % dem vote? 01:57:27 Maddy Griffith: Gotta run - thank you Kelsey!! 01:58:59 Hallie Roth (she/her): Also gotta hop, thank you so much!