
Extra credit

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Assignment: Create a Question and Solution Guide

For extra credit and to show your creativity, you can make a sample question and solution guide corresponding to topics covered during lecture or lab. These questions will be shared with the class to help you study for the final.

Due Date

December 3 11:59pm.


  • Questions should focus on topics covered by the final exam. This includes material covered from Ch14 going forward (i.e., October 11 and after)
  • Write one long question worth 5-7 marks, or several questions worth 1-2 marks each for a total of 5-7 marks. The format can be short answer, fill in the blanks, true or false, and/or multiple choice.
  • Be inspired and creative! Try and apply what you learned to a topic in the news or a public health example that we didn’t cover that week in class.
  • Create a solution guide for your question, indicating where the marks will be earned or deducted.
  • If you want, you can provide a small dataset printed on the sheet you submit.

Extra Credit Points

  • You can earn up to two additional percentage points on your final grade. For example, if you have an 83% in the class, a perfect extra credit assignment will bump you to 85%
  • Full marks will be awarded for creative questions with thorough solution guides that have public health or biology applications
  • Half marks will be awarded for questions less applicable to public health or biology
  • No marks will be awarded if the guidelines are not followed
  • Little/no marks will be awarded for questions using data provided in the class

Additional Notes

  • A template has been provided for you below. Please make sure to indicate the “Type,” “Coding,” “Chapter,” and “Topic” of your question.


  • You can make an Rmd for your extra credit assignment in Gradescope or type it up in Word or another text editing program – your choice. But you will need to submit it as a PDF.
  • Submit your extra credit on Gradescope.
  • If you’re making an Rmd: Once you’re ready to submit, knit your Rmd as a pdf and make sure it’s neat, with no code extending off than the page. If there is, use line breaks to ensure no code is cut off. On the lower-right window in the ‘Files’ tab, check the ‘fa21-extra-credit.pdf’ file; then click on ‘More,’ then ‘Export.’ This will download the pdf to your computer.
  • Log into Gradescope and select the correct assignment. Upload the pdf manually.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to post on Piazza.

Template for Extra Credit Assignment


Write your question here. (indicate the number of points the question is worth)


Write your solution here, complete with an explanation as to why your answer is correct.

Grading Rubric

Note how points are earned or deducted.

E.g. +1 for summarize() or summarise()

+1 for using correct dataset sample_data_set

Complete the following information for your question

Type: One of: Multiple Choice, T/F, fill in the blank, short answer

Coding: Write true or false, indicating if this question is about R coding

Chapter: List the relevant chapter number or “N/A” if not applicable.

Topic: Few words on the relevant topic